9 Tips About SEO From Industry Experts
SEO means Search Engine Optimization, and it’s the process of increasing the amount of traffic to your website via the results generated from organic search engines. To really understand the meaning of SEO, it’s important to carefully study they key indicators such as Quality of traffic, the quantity of traffic and organic results. This article highlights important tips from SEO industry experts who are the prime movers and shakers in the digital marketing trends. These 9 tips are from the best and result oriented professionals who have been rendering SEO Services for several years. To help you understand the trend and the realities in the industry, we rallied some of the professionals in the industry to clearly explain all the important aspects of SEO. These experts are drawn from several SEO companies. They all have tremendous interest in the practical aspect of organic search optimization. 1. SEO about optimizing for humans Dharmesh Shah - Thinki...